Steam Emoticons in the Chat box.
Emoticons are little symbols or pictures given to a user once they have crafted a badge. Emoticons are used in Steam Chat, either by typing the shortcut to that emoticon (which is surrounded by colons - for example, :crate: for the Team Fortress 2 crate emoticon), or by selecting the image from the selection box of emoticons.
A few basic emoticons are included in Steam that everyone can access, but most are only available if you own the emoticon (which is an item stored in your Steam inventory.) Anyone can see an emoticon that you've used in a message to them even if they don't own the emoticon themselves.
Emoticons come in 3 rarities: common, uncommon, and rare. You can receive an emoticon of any rarity when you craft a badge, but the higher the level of badge that you craft, the greater the chances that you'll receive an uncommon or rare emoticon.
All items (16676)
- File:1 2 3 KICK IT Emoticon azumi.png
- File:1 2 3 KICK IT Emoticon baby.png
- File:1 2 3 KICK IT Emoticon burger.png
- File:1 2 3 KICK IT Emoticon dejo.png
- File:1 2 3 KICK IT Emoticon pentak.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon dont hurt me.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon easy.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon happy devil.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon I am angry.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon I am happy.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon I am sad.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon I dont know.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon kiss to you.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon love you.png
- File:1 Moment Of Time Silentville Emoticon whaaat.png
- File:1,000 Heads Among the Trees Emoticon bruja.png
- File:1,000 Heads Among the Trees Emoticon owlstatue.png
- File:1,000 Heads Among the Trees Emoticon runningkid.png
- File:1,000 Heads Among the Trees Emoticon skullstatue.png
- File:1,000 Heads Among the Trees Emoticon straydog.png
- File:10 Second Ninja Emoticon ninjahead.png
- File:10 Second Ninja Emoticon partyhard.png
- File:10 Second Ninja Emoticon starempty.png
- File:10 Second Ninja Emoticon starfull.png
- File:10 Second Ninja Emoticon throwingstar.png
- File:10 Second Ninja X Emoticon critterbird.png
- File:10 Second Ninja X Emoticon Gradestar.png
- File:10 Second Ninja X Emoticon iamllama.png
- File:10 Second Ninja X Emoticon NinjaXShuriken.png
- File:10 Second Ninja X Emoticon retroninja.png
- File:100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100oj.png
- File:100% Orange Juice Emoticon 100percent.png
- File:100% Orange Juice Emoticon ojcard.png
- File:100% Orange Juice Emoticon ojchicken.png
- File:100% Orange Juice Emoticon ojseagull.png
- File:100% Orange Juice Emoticon stars.png
- File:10000000 Emoticon drbones.png
- File:10000000 Emoticon eatyourbrains.png
- File:10000000 Emoticon goblincannon.png
- File:10000000 Emoticon ninjamode.png
- File:10000000 Emoticon teardrops.png
- File:10000000 Emoticon youarefree.png
- File:101 Ways to Die Emoticon impale.png
- File:101 Ways to Die Emoticon professor.png
- File:101 Ways to Die Emoticon rips.png
- File:101 Ways to Die Emoticon scorched.png
- File:101 Ways to Die Emoticon stun.png
- File:112 Operator Emoticon 112Operator.png
- File:112 Operator Emoticon FireBrigade.png
- File:112 Operator Emoticon medicalunits.png
- File:112 Operator Emoticon NewCall.png
- File:112 Operator Emoticon PoliceUnits.png
- File:112 Operator Emoticon WhatsYourEmergency.png
- File:12 is Better Than 6 Emoticon bullskull.png
- File:12 is Better Than 6 Emoticon crazyrat.png
- File:12 is Better Than 6 Emoticon eldertattoo.png
- File:12 is Better Than 6 Emoticon gringoskull.png
- File:12 is Better Than 6 Emoticon mexicanmoney.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules Emoticon cheeeese.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules Emoticon dogbowl.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules Emoticon fishbones.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules Emoticon itsmyground.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules Emoticon OhMyGold.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules II The Cretan Bull Emoticon gold coin.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules II The Cretan Bull Emoticon ilis.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules II The Cretan Bull Emoticon pig in a poke.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules II The Cretan Bull Emoticon tam tam.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules II The Cretan Bull Emoticon white pearl.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules III Girl Power Emoticon crystal.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules III Girl Power Emoticon golden tooth.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules III Girl Power Emoticon meat.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules III Girl Power Emoticon sword.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules III Girl Power Emoticon wrench.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules IV Mother Nature Emoticon chest.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules IV Mother Nature Emoticon gift.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules IV Mother Nature Emoticon lifebuoy.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules IV Mother Nature Emoticon lounge.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules IV Mother Nature Emoticon tree.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon be fighter.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon delicious moment.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon do not joke with me.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon freshen up.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon hercules smile.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon hold ones tongue.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon new idea.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon storm is coming.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon to be or not to be.png
- File:12 Labours of Hercules V Emoticon toughie.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon arrowd.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon arrowdl.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon arrowdr.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon arrowl.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon arrowr.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon arrowu.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon arrowul.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon arrowur.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon bulletcircle.png
- File:12 orbits Emoticon bulletpoint.png
- File:140 Emoticon 140Down.png
- File:140 Emoticon 140Move.png
- File:140 Emoticon 140Stop.png
- File:140 Emoticon 140Up.png
- File:140 Emoticon NoiseBall.png
- File:15 Defense Emoticon fish15.png
- File:15 Defense Emoticon ink15.png
- File:15 Defense Emoticon jellyfish15.png
- File:15 Defense Emoticon shell15.png
- File:15 Defense Emoticon thepearls.png
- File:16bit Trader Emoticon retro beer.png
- File:16bit Trader Emoticon retro diamonds.png
- File:16bit Trader Emoticon retro hourglass.png
- File:16bit Trader Emoticon retro questionMark.png
- File:16bit Trader Emoticon retro wagon.png
- File:1849 Emoticon hungover.png
- File:1849 Emoticon minerham.png
- File:1849 Emoticon moneybags.png
- File:1849 Emoticon ohhshiny.png
- File:1849 Emoticon soniamdisappoint.png
- File:1917 - The Alien Invasion DX Emoticon aircraft 1917.png
- File:1917 - The Alien Invasion DX Emoticon chessmaster.png
- File:1917 - The Alien Invasion DX Emoticon mad rocket slave.png
- File:1917 - The Alien Invasion DX Emoticon mutant 1.png
- File:1917 - The Alien Invasion DX Emoticon starship troopers.png
- File:1931 Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum Emoticon aeroplane.png
- File:1931 Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum Emoticon applesauce.png
- File:1931 Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum Emoticon beignet.png
- File:1931 Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum Emoticon brick.png
- File:1931 Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum Emoticon scarabankh.png
- File:1943 Megami Strike Emoticon ms Alice em.png
- File:1943 Megami Strike Emoticon ms LinaRover em.png
- File:1943 Megami Strike Emoticon ms MirrenAlkanto em.png
- File:1943 Megami Strike Emoticon ms Rachel em.png
- File:1943 Megami Strike Emoticon ms Sophia em.png
- File:1953 NATO vs Warsaw Pact Emoticon NATO2.png
- File:1953 NATO vs Warsaw Pact Emoticon redarmy.png
- File:1953 NATO vs Warsaw Pact Emoticon usarmy.png
- File:1953 NATO vs Warsaw Pact Emoticon ustank.png
- File:1953 NATO vs Warsaw Pact Emoticon warsawpact.png
- File:1954 Alcatraz Emoticon chiquita.png
- File:1954 Alcatraz Emoticon christine.png
- File:1954 Alcatraz Emoticon gaspipe.png
- File:1954 Alcatraz Emoticon joe.png
- File:1954 Alcatraz Emoticon mickey.png
- File:1979 Revolution Black Friday Emoticon azaditower.png
- File:1979 Revolution Black Friday Emoticon fistofrevolution.png
- File:1979 Revolution Black Friday Emoticon iranmap.png
- File:1979 Revolution Black Friday Emoticon photojournalist.png
- File:1979 Revolution Black Friday Emoticon revolutionmolotov.png
- File:1bitHeart Emoticon aira.png
- File:1bitHeart Emoticon mikado.png
- File:1bitHeart Emoticon misane.png
- File:1bitHeart Emoticon nanashi.png
- File:1bitHeart Emoticon potete.png
- File:1Heart Emoticon 1heart.png
- File:1Heart Emoticon knp.png
- File:1Heart Emoticon mis.png
- File:1Heart Emoticon mucha.png
- File:1Heart Emoticon wonziu.png
- File:1Quest Emoticon 1questberserk.png
- File:1Quest Emoticon 1questdizzy.png
- File:1Quest Emoticon 1questdoomed.png
- File:1Quest Emoticon 1questfury.png
- File:1Quest Emoticon 1questinterogation.png
- File:1Quest Emoticon 1questlove.png
- File:1Quest Emoticon 1questmute.png
- File:1Quest Emoticon 1questsad.png
- File:1Quest Emoticon 1queststun.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon 200paper.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon 200pig.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon 200rock.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon 200scissors.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon kae.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon kai.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon manager.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon poppo.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon qp.png
- File:200% Mixed Juice! Emoticon yuki.png
- File:28 Waves Later Emoticon 28 brain.png
- File:28 Waves Later Emoticon 28 eye.png
- File:28 Waves Later Emoticon 28 human.png
- File:28 Waves Later Emoticon 28 skull.png
- File:28 Waves Later Emoticon 28 zombie 28.png
- File:3 Coins At School Emoticon 2coins20cent.png
- File:3 Coins At School Emoticon 3coins20cent.png
- File:3 Coins At School Emoticon 4coins20cent.png
- File:3 Coins At School Emoticon 5coins20cent.png
- File:3 Coins At School Emoticon coin20cent.png
- File:3 Coins At School Emoticon eurocoin.png
- File:3 Stars of Destiny Emoticon bikini3s.png
- File:3 Stars of Destiny Emoticon coryool3s.png