When you craft a badge, one of the things you'll receive is a profile background. You can use one of these as a background on your Steam profile page. To change your profile's background, visit your own Steam profile page and select 'Edit Profile'. One of the options, about midway down the page, is a spot where you can choose which background to use.
You must own a profile background to select it for use in your profile. It is possible to sell or trade away the background that you're currently using as your profile background - it will still remain on your profile page. If you change your profile background to something else, though, the background you sold or traded away can't be chosen again until you reacquire it.
All items (13382)
- File:500 Years Act 1 Background Earth Ship.jpg
- File:500 Years Act 1 Background Space.jpg
- File:500 Years Act 1 Background Suffering Man.jpg
- File:5089 The Action RPG Silent Night.jpg
- File:5089 The Action RPG Tesla Coil Strike.jpg
- File:5089 The Action RPG Warring Xax.jpg
- File:5f805b8871c76b7a4e44fa258eb95fd1142925ab.jpg
- File:60 Seconds! Background The House.jpg
- File:60 Seconds! Background The Soup Commercial.jpg
- File:60 Seconds! Background Timmy is in the shelter.jpg
- File:60 Seconds! Background Wasteland.jpg
- File:6180 the moon Background space earth.jpg
- File:6180 the moon Background space full.jpg
- File:6180 the moon Background space mercury.jpg
- File:6180 the moon Background space moon.jpg
- File:6180 the moon Background space venus.jpg
- File:6180 the moon Background space.jpg
- File:7 Billion Humans Background 7 Billion Humans.jpg
- File:7 Billion Humans Background Are you a hard working farmer.jpg
- File:7 Billion Humans Background JAWBS.jpg
- File:7 Billion Humans Background Morning Petroleum.jpg
- File:7 Billion Humans Background Parents of Invention.jpg
- File:7 Days to Die Background Call for Backup.jpg
- File:7 Days to Die Background Certain Death.jpg
- File:7 Days to Die Background Dead and Gone.jpg
- File:7 Days to Die Background Hot and Cold.jpg
- File:7 Days to Die Background Hot Nurse.jpg
- File:7 Grand Steps Background Competition and Collaboration.jpg
- File:7 Grand Steps Background Course of the Ancients.jpg
- File:7 Grand Steps Background The Mayor.jpg
- File:7 Grand Steps Background The Miller.jpg
- File:7 Grand Steps Background The Serf.jpg
- File:7 Grand Steps Background The Spy.jpg
- File:7 Grand Steps Background War and Work.jpg
- File:762 High Calibre Background Checkpoint.jpg
- File:762 High Calibre Background Ciudad-de-Oro.jpg
- File:762 High Calibre Background Jungle Camp.jpg
- File:762 High Calibre Background Night Sagrada.jpg
- File:8-Bit Adventures The Forgotten Journey Remastered Edition Background Another World.png
- File:8-Bit Adventures The Forgotten Journey Remastered Edition Background Port Town Azureus.png
- File:8-Bit Adventures The Forgotten Journey Remastered Edition Background The Warrior & The Mage.jpg
- File:8-Bit Armies Background Explosion.jpg
- File:8-Bit Armies Background Infantry Mosaic.jpg
- File:8-Bit Armies Background Quilt Grid.jpg
- File:8-Bit Armies Background Rocket Mosaic.jpg
- File:8-Bit Armies Background Unlimited Power.jpg
- File:8-Bit Commando Background Fire.jpg
- File:8-Bit Commando Background Ice.jpg
- File:8-Bit Commando Background Toxic.jpg
- File:8Bit Fiesta Background CowPow.jpg
- File:8Bit Fiesta Background Fiesta.jpg
- File:8Bit Fiesta Background Good vs Evil.jpg
- File:8Bit Fiesta Background Trap Run.jpg
- File:8BitMMO Background 8BitMMO Character Rotated Background.jpg
- File:8BitMMO Background 8BitMMO LawyerCat Army.jpg
- File:8BitMMO Background 8BitMMO When you are Potato anything is possible.jpg
- File:8BitMMO Background Dragon Background.jpg
- File:9 Clues 2 The Ward Background Burried past.jpg
- File:9 Clues 2 The Ward Background Entering the asylum.jpg
- File:9 Clues 2 The Ward Background Inside the ward.jpg
- File:9 Clues 2 The Ward Background Locked up secrets.jpg
- File:9 Clues 2 The Ward Background The cell of madness.jpg
- File:9 Clues The Secret of Serpent Creek Background Gloomy Tomb.jpg
- File:9 Clues The Secret of Serpent Creek Background Rattle Snake Hotel.jpg
- File:9 Clues The Secret of Serpent Creek Background Serpent Creek.jpg
- File:9 Clues The Secret of Serpent Creek Background Serpent Musem.jpg
- File:9 Clues The Secret of Serpent Creek Background Towns Library.jpg
- File:99 Levels To Hell Background Castle.jpg
- File:99 Levels To Hell Background The Devil.jpg
- File:99 Levels To Hell Background The Old Pictures.jpg
- File:99 Spirits Background 99 Spirits Music Collection Cover.jpg
- File:99 Spirits Background Chibi Gijin & Rouran.jpg
- File:99 Spirits Background Chibi Hanabusa & Kotetsu.jpg
- File:99 Spirits Background Gijin & Hanabusa.jpg
- File:99 Spirits Background Gijin VS Hanabusa.jpg
- File:99 Spirits Background Soujun & Saki.jpg
- File:A Bastard's Tale Background Knight.jpg
- File:A Bastard's Tale Background Moose.jpg
- File:A Bastard's Tale Background Pixel Forest.jpg
- File:A Bastard's Tale Background Pixel Knight.jpg
- File:A Bastard's Tale Background Sword vs Pole.jpg
- File:A Bird Story Background Balcony View.png
- File:A Bird Story Background Building Paper Plane.png
- File:A Bird Story Background Over the Desert.png
- File:A Bird Story Background Strolling Tree.png
- File:A Bird Story Background Sunset Flight.png
- File:A Boy and His Blob Background Blobolonia.jpg
- File:A Boy and His Blob Background Citadel.jpg
- File:A Boy and His Blob Background City.jpg
- File:A Boy and His Blob Background Deep Cave.jpg
- File:A Boy and His Blob Background Gear Works.jpg
- File:A Boy and His Blob Background Treehouse.jpg
- File:A City Sleeps Background SanLo Blue.jpg
- File:A City Sleeps Background SanLo Bridge.jpg
- File:A City Sleeps Background SanLo Graveyard.jpg
- File:A City Sleeps Background SanLo Red.jpg
- File:A City Sleeps Background SanLo Yellow.jpg
- File:A Druids Duel Background Grenyvaal.jpg
- File:A Druids Duel Background Hero of Highsommar.jpg
- File:A Druids Duel Background The Realm of Six Seasons.jpg
- File:A Fistful of Gun Background Duke.jpg
- File:A Fistful of Gun Background Group Photo.jpg
- File:A Fistful of Gun Background Virgil.jpg
- File:A Game of Changes Background Confucius Alone.jpg
- File:A Game of Changes Background Confucius and the ghost.jpg
- File:A Game of Changes Background Confucius and the world.jpg
- File:A Golden Wake Background Art deco background.png
- File:A Golden Wake Background Biltmore Hotel background.png
- File:A Golden Wake Background Key background.png
- File:A Golden Wake Background Palm tree background.png
- File:A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess - All friends.jpg
- File:A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess - Edge of the Universe.jpg
- File:A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess - Heart.jpg
- File:A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess - Juliao.jpg
- File:A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess - Nartide.jpg
- File:A Hat in Time Background Dead Bird Studio.jpg
- File:A Hat in Time Background Murder on the Owl Express.jpg
- File:A Hat in Time Background The Snatcher.jpg
- File:A Healer Only Lives Twice Background Fly us to the Moon.jpg
- File:A Healer Only Lives Twice Background Kick!.jpg
- File:A Healer Only Lives Twice Background The Darkness Awaits You.jpg
- File:A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How We Met Background Central Courtyard.jpg
- File:A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How We Met Background Miya.jpg
- File:A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How We Met Background Risa.jpg
- File:A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How We Met Background Secret Hideout.jpg
- File:A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How We Met Background St. Michael's Academy.jpg
- File:A Lenda do Herói Background Cobra Vermelha.jpg
- File:A Lenda do Herói Background Macacrópole.jpg
- File:A Lenda do Herói Background Malditos Morcegos.jpg
- File:A Lenda do Herói Background Monte Friaka.jpg
- File:A Lenda do Herói Background Planície.jpg
- File:A Little Lily Princess Background A Stern Headmistress.jpg
- File:A Little Lily Princess Background Like A Fairy Princess.jpg
- File:A Little Lily Princess Background Secret Friends.jpg
- File:A Mass of Dead Background SARA Rare.jpg
- File:A Mass of Dead Background SARA Uncommon.jpg
- File:A Mass of Dead Background Zombies.jpg
- File:A New Reckoning Background Golden Original.jpg
- File:A New Reckoning Background Headless Stotic.jpg
- File:A New Reckoning Background Mantas from Storm.jpg
- File:A New Reckoning Background Scorn in Azure.jpg
- File:A New Reckoning Background Spider Fractal.jpg
- File:A Pixel Story Background 1.jpg
- File:A Pixel Story Background 2.jpg
- File:A Pixel Story Background 3.jpg
- File:A Pixel Story Background 4.jpg
- File:A Pixel Story Background 5.jpg
- File:A Princess' Tale Background Death.jpg
- File:A Princess' Tale Background Forest.jpg
- File:A Princess' Tale Background Sentinels.jpg
- File:A Sirius Game Background A Sirius Game.jpg
- File:A Sirius Game Background A Sirius Hero.jpg
- File:A Sirius Game Background A Sirius Loot.jpg
- File:A Space for the Unbound Background Field.jpg
- File:A Space for the Unbound Background Junction.jpg
- File:A Space for the Unbound Background River.jpg
- File:A Space for the Unbound Background School.jpg
- File:A Space for the Unbound Background Store.jpg
- File:A Story About My Uncle Background Fred in the Ice Cave.jpg
- File:A Story About My Uncle Background Maddie in the Chasms.jpg
- File:A Story About My Uncle Background Samuel in the Village.jpg
- File:A Story About My Uncle Background Soaring through the air.jpg
- File:A Valley Without Wind Background Desert Expanse.jpg
- File:A Valley Without Wind Background Grassland Glass.jpg
- File:A Valley Without Wind Background Sunset Ruins.jpg
- File:A Valley Without Wind Background Swamp At Dusk.jpg
- File:A Valley Without Wind Background Tornado.jpg
- File:A Valley Without Wind Background Unexpected Ocean.jpg
- File:A Virus Named TOM Background Blueprints.jpg
- File:A Virus Named TOM Background Four TOMs.png
- File:A Virus Named TOM Background Globotron Smash.jpg
- File:A Virus Named TOM Background Roll Over.jpg
- File:A Virus Named TOM Background TOM & Dr. X.jpg
- File:A Way Out Background Leo Vincent.jpg
- File:A Way Out Background Theme I.jpg
- File:A Way Out Background Theme II.jpg
- File:A Wild Catgirl Appears! Background Ami.jpg
- File:A Wild Catgirl Appears! Background Eiko.jpg
- File:A Wild Catgirl Appears! Background Lise.jpg
- File:A Wild Catgirl Appears! Background Ria.jpg
- File:A Wild Catgirl Appears! Background Starla.jpg
- File:A Wizards Lizard Background Cemetery.jpg
- File:A Wizards Lizard Background Crypt.jpg
- File:A Wizards Lizard Background Den of Thieves.jpg
- File:A Wizards Lizard Background Forest.jpg
- File:A Wizards Lizard Background Sewer.jpg
- File:A-10 VR Background Bomb.jpg
- File:A-10 VR Background Simple Target.jpg
- File:A-10 VR Background Special Target.jpg
- File:A-Gents Background A-Gents Emma Suit.jpg
- File:A-Gents Background A-Gents Emma Uniform.jpg
- File:A-Gents Background A-Gents Sean Suit.jpg
- File:A-Gents Background A-Gents Sean Uniform.jpg
- File:A-Men 2 Background Desert Ops.jpg
- File:A-Men 2 Background Spring.jpg
- File:A-Men 2 Background Winter Soldier.jpg
- File:A-Men Background Commando.jpg
- File:A-Men Background Island.jpg
- File:A-Men Background Truck.jpg
- File:A-Men Background Yes, we can!.jpg