When you craft a badge, one of the things you'll receive is a profile background. You can use one of these as a background on your Steam profile page. To change your profile's background, visit your own Steam profile page and select 'Edit Profile'. One of the options, about midway down the page, is a spot where you can choose which background to use.
You must own a profile background to select it for use in your profile. It is possible to sell or trade away the background that you're currently using as your profile background - it will still remain on your profile page. If you change your profile background to something else, though, the background you sold or traded away can't be chosen again until you reacquire it.
All items (13382)
- File:Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn Background ZKWR - Undead Cuddles.jpg
- File:Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn Background ZKWR - Zombies Rock!.jpg
- File:Zombie Killtime Background Gun Rack.jpg
- File:Zombie Killtime Background Warrior.jpg
- File:Zombie Killtime Background Zombie.jpg
- File:Zombie Parking Background I See You.jpg
- File:Zombie Parking Background In Darkness.jpg
- File:Zombie Parking Background Skull.jpg
- File:Zombie Solitaire 2 Chapter 1 Background German Blackforest.jpg
- File:Zombie Solitaire 2 Chapter 1 Background Highway.jpg
- File:Zombie Solitaire 2 Chapter 1 Background Pacific Playland.jpg
- File:Zombie Solitaire 2 Chapter 2 Background Black Hawk Down.jpg
- File:Zombie Solitaire 2 Chapter 2 Background Horror-B-Movie Looking Lift.jpg
- File:Zombie Solitaire 2 Chapter 2 Background Mystic River.jpg
- File:Zombie Solitaire Background Zombie alone at home.jpg
- File:Zombie Solitaire Background Zombie Park.jpg
- File:Zombie Solitaire Background Zombie Port.jpg
- File:Zombie Tycoon 2 Brainhov's Revenge Background A conflict of epic proportions.jpg
- File:Zombie Tycoon 2 Brainhov's Revenge Background Brainhov and the Ferals.jpg
- File:Zombie Tycoon 2 Brainhov's Revenge Background Rivalry.jpg
- File:Zombie Tycoon 2 Brainhov's Revenge Background Say hello to my little friends.jpg
- File:Zombie Tycoon 2 Brainhov's Revenge Background Tycoon and the Shamblings.jpg
- File:Zombie Vikings Background Caw-kaa.jpg
- File:Zombie Vikings Background Gunborg.jpg
- File:Zombie Vikings Background Hedgy.jpg
- File:Zombie Vikings Background Seagurd.jpg
- File:Zombie Vikings Background The Stranger.jpg
- File:Zombie Zoeds Background Be careful in the dungeon.jpg
- File:Zombie Zoeds Background City outskirts.jpg
- File:Zombie Zoeds Background Walking through the city.jpg
- File:ZombieRush Background Burning head and squirrels.jpg
- File:ZombieRush Background Hobo and Mosquito.jpg
- File:ZombieRush Background Lean and fat.jpg
- File:Zombies Monsters Robots (ZMR) Background Bosses.jpg
- File:Zombies Monsters Robots (ZMR) Background Mercs and Mechs.jpg
- File:Zombies Monsters Robots (ZMR) Background Our Heroes.jpg
- File:Zombies Monsters Robots (ZMR) Background ZMR.jpg
- File:Zombies Monsters Robots (ZMR) Background Zombies.jpg
- File:Zombies on a Plane Background Boss Zombie.jpg
- File:Zombies on a Plane Background Crazy Zombie.jpg
- File:Zombies on a Plane Background Fat Zombie.jpg
- File:Zombies on a Plane Background Human and Zombie.jpg
- File:Zombies on a Plane Background Infected Tree Cutter and Zombie Dog.jpg
- File:ZombieZoid Zenith Background Arthur and the army.jpg
- File:ZombieZoid Zenith Background Arthur in the Forbidden Cave.jpg
- File:ZombieZoid Zenith Background Bope, Knife in Skull.jpg
- File:Zombillie Background Feast.jpg
- File:Zombillie Background Swamp.jpg
- File:Zombillie Background Wasteland.jpg
- File:Zombo Buster Rising Background The Final Boss.jpg
- File:Zombo Buster Rising Background The Gunner.jpg
- File:Zombo Buster Rising Background The Sniper.jpg
- File:Zombo Buster Rising Background The Zombogod.jpg
- File:Zombo Buster Rising Background ZBR Survivors.jpg
- File:Zoo Rampage Background Penguin Gorilla.jpg
- File:Zoo Rampage Background Tiger Elephant.jpg
- File:Zoo Rampage Background Tiger Giraffe.jpg
- File:Zoo Rampage Background Zebra Rhinoceros.jpg
- File:Zooloretto Background Bird and Lizard.jpg
- File:Zooloretto Background Fruit Trees.jpg
- File:Zooloretto Background India.jpg
- File:Zooloretto Background Lemurs and snake.jpg
- File:Zooloretto Background Spain.jpg
- File:Zoombinis Background Clean Sweep.jpg
- File:Zoombinis Background Fleens.jpg
- File:Zoombinis Background Let's Rock.jpg
- File:Zoombinis Background Pizza Party!.jpg
- File:Zoombinis Background Zoombinis.jpg
- File:Zotrix Background Basic background.jpg
- File:Zotrix Background Glider Bg.jpg
- File:Zotrix Background ocean media.jpg
- File:Zup! 2 Background Amethyst.jpg
- File:Zup! 2 Background Hearts.jpg
- File:Zup! 2 Background Mazarine.jpg
- File:Zup! 2 Background Red.jpg
- File:Zup! 3 Background Amethyst.jpg
- File:Zup! 3 Background Blizzard.jpg
- File:Zup! 3 Background Bloody.jpg
- File:Zup! 3 Background Gold.jpg
- File:Zup! 3 Background If Mars was city.jpg
- File:Zup! 3 Background Night.jpg
- File:Zup! 3 Background Space.jpg
- File:Zup! 3 Background Yellow.jpg
- File:Zup! 4 Background Bordo.jpg
- File:Zup! 4 Background Green-blue.jpg
- File:Zup! 4 Background Indigo.jpg
- File:Zup! 4 Background Purple.jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Death.jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Mosaic B.jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Mosaic G.jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Sky.jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Space (1).jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Space (2).jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Space B.jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Space G.jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Sunset.jpg
- File:Zup! 5 Background Winter.jpg
- File:Zup! 6 Background Hex Blue.jpg
- File:Zup! 6 Background Hex Gradient.jpg
- File:Zup! 6 Background Hex Purple.jpg
- File:Zup! 6 Background Hex Rainbow.jpg
- File:Zup! 6 Background Hex.jpg
- File:Zup! 7 Background Blue lines.jpg
- File:Zup! 7 Background Death Clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! 7 Background Edges.jpg
- File:Zup! 7 Background GradientZ.jpg
- File:Zup! 7 Background Radial Neon.jpg
- File:Zup! 7 Background SpaceZ.jpg
- File:Zup! 8 Background Blue TriangleZ.jpg
- File:Zup! 8 Background BlueZ.jpg
- File:Zup! 8 Background Green Northern Lights.jpg
- File:Zup! 8 Background PinkZ.jpg
- File:Zup! 8 Background Red Clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! 8 Background Red TriangleZ.jpg
- File:Zup! 8 Background Sunset Gauss.jpg
- File:Zup! 8 Background Water and Flame.jpg
- File:Zup! 8 Background ZupSpace.jpg
- File:Zup! 9 Background Dark Room.jpg
- File:Zup! 9 Background Snaws cyberpunk.jpg
- File:Zup! 9 Background Storm.jpg
- File:Zup! 9 Background Synthwave.jpg
- File:Zup! 9 Background Violet O.jpg
- File:Zup! Background DNK.jpg
- File:Zup! Background Pikabu!.jpg
- File:Zup! Background Spaceship.jpg
- File:Zup! F Background Another llaB.jpg
- File:Zup! F Background Lights.jpg
- File:Zup! F Background Neon Lights.jpg
- File:Zup! F Background Neon Room.jpg
- File:Zup! F Background Neon Wall.jpg
- File:Zup! F Background Purple Lights.jpg
- File:Zup! F Background Rock.jpg
- File:Zup! S Background Drawn blue clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! S Background Drawn clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! S Background Drawn green clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! S Background Drawn red clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! S Background GalaxyZ.jpg
- File:Zup! S Background PatternZ.jpg
- File:Zup! S Background Snaws cloudZ.jpg
- File:Zup! S Background TextileZ.jpg
- File:Zup! S Background UniverZe.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Before a Storm.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Black Network.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Blue Clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Blue Network.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Blue Sparks.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Green Clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Green Sparks.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Purple Sparks.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Red Sparks.jpg
- File:Zup! X Background Turqiouse Sparks.jpg
- File:Zup! XS Background Arrows.jpg
- File:Zup! XS Background Blue Lines.jpg
- File:Zup! XS Background Digital eyeball.jpg
- File:Zup! XS Background Hex.jpg
- File:Zup! XS Background Network.jpg
- File:Zup! XS Background Pink lines.jpg
- File:Zup! XS Background SpaceZ-.jpg
- File:Zup! Z Background Circle.jpg
- File:Zup! Z Background Shape Neon.jpg
- File:Zup! Z Background Triangle.jpg
- File:Zup! Z Background Universe Dark.jpg
- File:Zup! Z Background Universe.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Blue Clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Blue Wings.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Green Clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Green Cubes.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Purple Cubes.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Red Cubes.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Shaws Neon.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Snaws lights.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Violet Clouds.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero 2 Background Violet Wings.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero Background BlueZ.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero Background GoldenZ.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero Background GreenZ.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero Background RedZ.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero Background SkyZ.jpg
- File:Zup! Zero Background VioletZ.jpg